Sunday, December 23, 2012

Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2: Xbox 360

Naruto Clash of Ninja pc game

Naruto Clash of Ninja pc game is here to download


Minato's Power Level

I admit to being one of his fanboys, so I get furious everytime he gets beat in those VS threads, but I can't make a counter-argument due to lack of feats. What I'm saying is the most hyped character in the beginning of the series(which is the main reason why he has tonnes of fans) can't be just that. What else can he do?
-If Jiraiya who was taught the Rasengan can do a large scale one, then Minato(the jutsu's creator) can probably do a larger one than Jiraiya's.
-We have information that he did train with Jiraiya in Mount Myokobu, so he can probably use Sage Mode(but didn't perfect it like Naruto).
-A stated that Minato was far above him in terms of speed and reflexes, which means he could probably move much faster than A(who is one of the fastest characters in the manga).
-Anko stated that he would beat Orochimaru up if he were still alive.
What I'm pointing out is that this guy was praised like a god at the start of Naruto, so we are all disappointed with what is curently shown. So here's hoping for a Minato Gaiden or something after this war arc is finished...